You may find that you've unintentionally created more than one AllTrails account. Below are some of the more common ways that multiple accounts can be created, and how you can go about finding the email addresses associated with them.
Possible login and account-creation methods:
- Using Facebook, Google, or Apple to log in may result in creating a new AllTrails account if you previously used a different email address to create an account
Apple login specifics:
- If you log in with Apple and have your AllTrails credentials saved in your keychain, the app will attempt to use those credentials first
Existing email: If you use an existing email address, you’ll be signed into your existing account
Hidden email or new email: If you use a 'hidden' Apple email or an Apple email not associated with an existing AllTrails account, a new AllTrails account will be created
If you've created multiple accounts and would like to combine them, please reach out to our team via our contact form. Please include the email addresses associated with each account you want to combine, and specify the email address you want to retain for login.
Information transferred:
- When combining accounts, the following information will be moved to the retained account:
- Favourites
- Completed trails
- Lists
- Activities
- Reviews
- Photos
- Following/Followers
Note: If you're an AllTrails+ member, your AllTrails+ account will need to be the account that we merge into. You can always update the email address under your account settings once we've merged the account.