Our map creation tool does not currently support combining multiple routes into one. However, you can use the Route Converter tool to achieve this. Please follow the instructions below for combining routes that are on the same map. If you have two separate files, such as two recorded activities, follow these steps to combine two recorded activities.
Steps to combine multiple routes
Via desktop or laptop:
Log in:
- Access your account at AllTrails
Export your map:
- Hover over 'Saved' in the header
- Select 'My maps'
- Choose the map you want to edit
- Click the overflow button (three dots)
- Select 'Download Map'
- Choose your preferred file format and click 'OK'
Use the route converter tool:
- Visit the Route Converter tool
- Upload the GPX file you exported
Combine routes:
- In the 'Route Options' drop-down, select 'Combine multiple routes into one route'
- Click 'Convert file.' Your new GPX file will be downloaded.
Save the combined route:
- Click 'Save to Maps' to upload the converted file as a new custom map