If you wish to manage the privacy settings of a specific map, you can do so by following these steps:
Via desktop or laptop computer:
- Log into your account on https://www.alltrails.com
- At the top left of any page, hover over ‘Saved’ and in the drop-down select ‘My maps’
- Click on the map you would like to manage
- Click ‘Edit map’ at the bottom left corner
- Select your preferred privacy setting (under the 'Description' tab) and click ‘Apply’
- Click ‘Save custom map’ at the bottom left corner
Via iPhone or Android app:
- Open the AllTrails app
- Tap on 'Saved' on the bottom navigation bar
- Select 'Lists' from the tabs at the top of the screen
- Tap on ‘My maps’
- Tap on the map you would like to manage
- Tap on the overflow menu (three dots) in the top right corner and select ‘Edit map’
- Adjust privacy level and tap ‘Apply'
- Tap ‘Save’
Want to set all of your maps to the same privacy setting? Click here for steps to do so.