You can share your activities to various platforms by following these steps:
Via desktop or laptop:
- Log into your account
- Click your profile picture in the top right and on your profile page click 'Activities'
- Click the activity you want to share
- Under the activity details on the left side, click the 'Share' arrow
- Select a share method:
Copy link: Copy the URL and share to your favourite social platform.
Text: Send your recording via SMS to yourself, your friends, or family.
Email: Email the link to the recording.
Embed: Copy the HTML and paste it into your own website code.
QR code: Scan this code and pull up the recording on your mobile device or tablet.
Via iPhone or Android app:
- Tap 'Profile' in the bottom navigation bar
- Select 'Activities' (in line with Feed, Photos, and Reviews)
- Choose the activity you'd like to share
- Tap the Share Button in the upper right corner next to the save icon (
- Select a photo (if available) or the recap video
- Choose how you'd like to share
Note: If the person you're sharing your activity with is unable to successfully view the activity, you may need to adjust either your default privacy settings for your activities, or the privacy setting for that specific activity. This article has more information on updating your default privacy settings. For steps to adjust the privacy setting for a specific activity, you can read this article.