Sharing trails is a great way to tell your friends where you've been or where you'd like to go. We've made it easy to share trails via several platforms.
You can share a trail by following these steps:
Via desktop or laptop:
- Log into your account
- Navigate to a trail details page
- Select the 'Share' option:
- Select your share method:
Copy link: Copy the URL and share to your favourite social platform
Text: Send your map via SMS to yourself, your friends, or family
Email: Email the link to the map
Embed: Copy the HTML and paste it into your own website code
QR code: Scan this code and pull up the map on your mobile device or tablet
Via iPhone or Android app:
- Tap the trail card for the trail you want to share
- From the trail details screen, tap the 'Share' arrow on the top right
- Select how you'd like to share the trail from the list of available options in the share menu