Reviewing a trail on AllTrails allows you to share your experience, thoughts, and recommendations with fellow AllTrails members. Because they're public, your reviews help millions of other people discover, plan, and share their next great outdoor activity.
AllTrails reviews consist of:
A 1-5 star rating scale (1 star = terrible, 2 stars = poor, 3 stars = average, 4 stars = very good, 5 stars = excellent)
An optional text box to leave a rich, detailed description of the trail and your experience on it
An option to select your primary activity while on the trail (hiking vs. mountain biking vs. horse riding, etc.)
- An option to add real-time trail conditions tags to provide valuable insight into current trail conditions or obstacles
An optional date for when you completed your activity (web only)
You can leave a review for a trail by following these instructions:
Via desktop or laptop:
- Log into your account
- Select the trail card for which you want to leave a review
- On the trail details page, scroll down and find the section called 'Reviews' on the left side
- Click the 'Review trail' button
- Click the number of stars to rate the trail
- Share more details about your experience by selecting any relevant tags and click 'Next'
- Add any additional thoughts or details you may have and click 'Next'
- Add trail conditions to help inform the community
- Select an activity type and activity date
- When you're finished, click 'Submit'
Via iPhone or Android app:
- Select the trail card for which you want to leave a review
- On the trail details screen, scroll down to the reviews section and tap 'Review trail'
- Tap the number of stars to rate the trail
- Add any additional details by selecting from the available tags, then hit 'Next'
- Share any thoughts or details about your experience and tap 'Done'
Note: After leaving a star rating, you can collapse the review modal, and your review will be saved automatically. You can also leave a review for a trail by linking your activity to a trail in our database.