To combine separate activities, you can download their GPX files, copy the GPS data from one into the other, and then import the edited file as a new activity. Please note you'll need to do this via our website at
- Log into your account
- Head to 'Profile' and select 'Activities'
- Open one of the activities you want to combine then click the overflow menu and select 'Download route' and select 'GPX track'
- Repeat step 3, as needed, with any activities you want to combine
- Open each GPX file in a text editor like Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac)
- For the activity that comes second chronologically or by direction of travel ('Activity 2'), copy all of the content between (but not including) <trkseg> and </trkseg>
- Scroll to the bottom of the first activity ('Activity 1'), then enter a space before </trkseg>
- Paste the copied text from 'Activity 2' in the space, then save the changes to 'Activity 1'
- Navigate back to your 'Activities' section (Profile > Activities) at
- Click 'Upload activity' then select the updated 'Activity 1' GPX file