- How does a trail end up on AllTrails?
- Verified routes vs. OSM (OpenStreetMap) segments
- Difficulty ratings on AllTrails
- How do I contribute a new trail to AllTrails?
- How long does it take to approve a submitted trail?
- How do I know if my trail was approved?
- Why was my submitted trail not approved?
- How do I update or change information about a trail?
- How do I add a trail system or park to AllTrails?
- What are the trail review guidelines?
- I work for a park or trail system. How can I make edits to trails within our park/trail system?
- Accessibility guide for wheelchair-friendly trails
- Does AllTrails include trails on private property?
- What if a trail is on my private property?
- What are the trail route types?
- How do I write a review for a trail?